I come from a long line “meteorologists.” For me, the forecast is a fruitless and boring topic of conversation. Sure, we all like to know what weather to expect ahead of us so we can plan accordingly in regards to outdoor plans and certain types of clothing. Unless it has a significant impact on us though, who cares what the forecast is? We cannot change what is in store for upcoming weather so why focus on it, or even worse, compare it to the weather somewhere else?
Our emotions mirror weather patterns. We cannot compare them to anyone else’s emotions at the moment (especially on social media which is generally a highlight reel). We also can’t predict our emotions and they often catch us off guard. Would it be helpful to have an emotional forecast so we have a heads up when the rough days loom ahead? Not really. Clouds, rain, ice, snow, and sunshine - Mother Earth needs it ALL to thrive and grow just as human beings need to experience a wide emotional range to expand and grow.
While I generally don’t enjoy my dark and rainy emotional days I’ve learned they are part of my internal weather system and critical to my journey. I appreciate the sun after my cloudy days. I am grateful for my emotional rain after many days without as it forces me to go inward and gain perspective. I grow and expand from my emotional rain and clouds, just as plants and other living organisms in Mother Nature’s vast and Divine design do the same. The weather changes similar to how our emotions shift. When it rains do we wonder if it is going to rain for the indefinite future? No, we realize the rain will only last for so long, some storms much longer than others.
The next time you experience emotional rain and gloom would you be willing to see it for what it is, realizing it is not permanent AND a critical part of your process? If you can begin to slowly surrender to the rain and gloomy days with less resistance the rain will eventually stop, the clouds will part and the blue skies will prevail.
