When was the last time you reflected on your accomplishments?
So often we are thinking about the future or ruminating on the past. Rarely do we pause to reflect and celebrate something we’ve made it through, accomplished or achieved.
Was there a period of time in your life you knew you just needed to make it through? Once you made it to the other side, did you take a moment to pat yourself on the back and say “Well done - YOU FREAKING MADE IT!”
When was the last time you accomplished something you were proud of? Did you pause to marinate in how wonderful it felt or did you immediately
move towards your next goal without relishing in how fulfilling the accomplishment felt to you?
I’ve caught myself in a recent pattern of future thinking and goal setting in regards to my coaching business. While this is fine, and even quite necessary in part, I had a relevant realization. It started with my son’s ninth birthday in November as I am always nostalgic on birthdays.
This realization was perpetuated recently when I had a few opportunities to spend one on one time with toddlers in my life who are not children of my own. I truly loved every single minute with them. I was also presented with the remembrance of how challenging the infant through toddler years of parenting were for me.
Was I grateful to have two healthy children and stay home with them for a period of time? Of course I was. I am well aware this is a massive privilege and opportunity and I do not take this lightly. Was I also worn the hell out by the time our youngest went to kindergarten? I certainly was, both emotionally and physically. As much time as I’ve spent caring for children throughout my life, those first few years (infant to age five) has never felt like my greatest strength as a caregiver or parent. It often felt as if I was in a constant dance of running interference, redirection, conquering big milestones, and looking for logic and reasoning within developing frontal lobes (good luck!).
Right now our children are 11 and 9. I am well aware we are in some “golden years” here. They love us, want to spend time with us, and don’t fight too much (I’m writing this on a good day). They are insightful, hilarious, and so much fun to be around. Together we have big deep conversations as well as a lot of light hearted humor, wit, and laughter. Parenting these two brings me so much joy and it is an incredible experience to witness them flourish into the beautiful souls they are.
After two weekends with some of my favorite little people recently I regained my perspective and respect for parents of young children. I also took the opportunity to really pause and have gratitude for all I did / WE did to raise our children up to this point. It took a whole hell of a lot out of me to pour into our babies and stay home for their foundational years. I am proud of my resiliency and determination in my role raising them as well as the wonderful partner and teammate I have in their dad. I am also very thankful to now be working outside our home again. It feels rewarding to have the opportunity to expand in this way, on the other side of the early childhood parenting years.
I hope you can take a moment to pause and reflect this week. Heck, I think we all deserve a pat on the back in some capacity for making it through the past two years alone. Go ahead and give yourself some self love and appreciation. You deserve it.
