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Sarah Parsons Yarbrough

Updated: Jan 5, 2022

At the end of each year I used to have a period of grieving whatever word I chose to ride shotgun with me for the year prior. For 2021 and my 41st trip around the sun I chose LOVE as my word. I am not grieving LOVE this year as I roll into 2022. No, I’ve come to realize each word becomes a deep part of me, like a beautifully woven quilt of my own intentions and consciousness. Each word lives on in my soul year after year and none are left behind. (Thank you, Jon Gordon)

So, back to LOVE. I did not choose LOVE in the hippy dippy way you think of it as all things ✌🏼& ♥️. I really do like all things peace & LOVE and I can be hippy dippy but this is not how I always am. Those of you who know me well know I am peace and LOVE with a side of eff off. Last year I chose for LOVE for these reasons:

LOVE over fear


LOVE as Truth

Divine LOVE

Mothering LOVE

Intimate LOVE

Receiving LOVE

Unconditional LOVE of my pup, Lola

What would LOVE do?

What would LOVE say?

Do I truly embody LOVE?

Does this (action/thought/comment) bring LOVE to the situation or does it bring fear, shame, judgement, negativity, etc?

Is this is a way to show myself LOVE, or not?

Is this a way to show another LOVE, or not?

If fearful, how do I shift into more LOVE?

I learned sometimes the greatest way of showing self-LOVE is setting boundaries with others. This might not have appeared as LOVE to the other initially. What matters to me now is how I honored myself while doing my best to respect the other along the way.

When I chose to surrender to and embody LOVE in 2021 it really did win. LOVE won. (Thank you, Glennon Doyle) I came home to myself and the more I did this, the more things fell into place naturally. Forever and always I choose LOVE.

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only LOVE can do that.” ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.


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