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Sarah Parsons Yarbrough

Updated: Jan 5, 2022

Coaching, what a journey this has been. My North Star. I love coaching and I love to be coached: the exploration, humanness, rawness, vulnerability, growing pains, connection, evolution, and the expansion. It is such a combination of brutal and beautiful; all so brutiful (thank you, Glennon Doyle). I am inspired by the bravery of the people I have the opportunity to work with. I learn just as much from my clients as they learn about themselves from my questions. Coaching gives me energy and it fills my gas tank in similar ways a trail fills my tank. There is always something new; a new discovery around every bend.

My coaching practice has evolved just as one's personal coaching journey evolves. The exploration of my focus has been an interesting process. I’ve flipped over so many rocks along the way, sometimes getting lost in the sauce of words, branding, identity, you name it. At this point in my coaching journey I have been called to change the name of my business. I’ll spare you the story of why my business name actually “needed” to change. At the end of the day, I realized it was an opportunity to realign with my authentic self rather than an inconvenience.

Here I am: Sarah Yarbrough, with Heart Rock Coaching. I am a life coach focused on fulfillment and the freedom that comes along with it, riding shotgun. I am not a healer and I am not someone who has it all figured out. Anyone who says they have it all figured out I am immediately leery of. I am simply a coach asking my clients questions to connect them back to themselves. I help excavate all of the dirt in the way so you can get to the heart of it all; the BIG rocks. The ones we sometimes don’t even know are there because of all of the other rubble in the way.

Where do you lack fulfillment?

* Your partnership?

* Your role as a parent?

* Your career?

Are you ready to dive in? Let's explore what brought you here. Let's get the rubble out of the way. Let's excavate the big rocks and evolve into a place of fulfillment. You don't have to go at it alone anymore. You’ve got this. I’ve got this. We’ve got this.


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